For a .22

Wipe with an oily rag every outing, unless you have magic hands that won't rust whatever you touch.

Shoot until it starts jamming

take enough bits off that you can clean the dirt away from the moving bits, the chamber, the bolt face

wipe moving bits down with oily rag - spare the oil on blow back guns, or they gum up faster.

I only clean a .22 barrel if it has lead in it, which is next to never (except for the AR, but that barrel is gone now). Oily patch if it's going into storage, or whenever I remember to.

Twice this lifetime I've had the barrel and grips off the MK-II and hosed out the powder-caked innards with brake cleaner. It was just for giggles, since no amount of crud affects function in that thing. Of course afterwards you have to dunk the thing in Eds Red or light oil to get some protection back into the pores of the metal. I did this once after about 20 years. The second time much sooner, because the oil attracted more dirt :P