firemachine69 (07-06-2018), lone-wolf (06-24-2018), Mark-II (06-24-2018)
Guys are trying to get what they paid for... "BNIB test fired 250 times!"
Yes, you can fix stupid, but the stupid folks have passed laws against it. - FallisCowboy
firemachine69 (07-06-2018), glockfan (06-27-2018), infidel29 (06-24-2018)
BCLs seem capable with a good barrel, but I'd rather have stag arms on my receiver.
the wild still lingered in him and the wolf in him merely slept
"It must be poor life that achieves freedom from fear" - Aldo Leopold
Keyword: Claim.
I'll wait for someone with FRT access to verify it.
But then again, I've never seen a regular Stag-10 in the wild, so I can't tell the difference. I'd still rather give my money to Walter & co. The guys at IRG just seem to be pulling off reactionary bullshit to scoop business from people who have done the actual leg work because they can get stuff from their US "branch" for cheaper, and at a higher profit margin due to the lower overhead costs of not having a brick & mortar shop. Even Questar doesn't stoop to that, and they've been in the cross-border gun running business for a lot longer than IRG, Aztech, or anyone else I can think of. About the only perk I can think of for me personally when dealing with IRG is that I can drive to the Rexall Drugs in Sherwood Park that they have their PO Box set up at and collect it before they ship it the 20ish km to my place over 5-7 business days after it gets to their Canadian "office."
But in the end, people will vote with their wallets. If AEI has P&D or Phoenix Range as a dealer for these, I'd probably prefer to just walk in there, light up my debit card and walk out with a new toy under my arm, instead of paying for shipping on top of everything else.
Yes, you can fix stupid, but the stupid folks have passed laws against it. - FallisCowboy