Now, I know the fee for restricted is $80, but if I'm sending in my PAL and RPAL at the same time, do I only pay the one fee of $80?

Oh, also, how many of you actually went and got a professional to take your photo? I was honestly thinking I'd just get someone to take a picture with a camera or a phone and have it printed, professionals cost like.. twenty bucks a photo.
I did a couple at Superstore, their photo dept took the pic, pushe the PAL button, and it came out exactly the right size to suit the bureaucrats.

The last one, I had the pic taken at Wal-Mart, but renewed my PAL online.
I had to scan the pic and crop it to the right dimensions.
Then, when I tried to upload it, I had to change the resolution.
A bit of farting around, but no biggie.
The nice thing about a pro taking it is that the lighting, pose, border, ... is all right the first time.
Worth it for me rather than trying to set up a date with someone to take a pic and then have them get all upset when their camera breaks

Also, my pops has a .22 that is pretty much mine now since he no longer uses it, and if I'm honest with you, I don't think he's ever cleaned the darn thing.
Many 22s have never been cleaned.
The bullets are wax coated, and this lubricates the bore and prevents lead from building up.
Just make sure the chamber doesn't have sand or grit in it, and it shouldn't give you any problems.