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Thread: Banned users

  1. #1
    Senior Member livewire0129's Avatar
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    Banned users

    Since I've joined I've noticed fellow users show up in pink from time to time. After checking their recent posts, it's sometimes very clear what they did to get banned, oftentimes, not so much. Is there an accountability system where someone reviews the reasons why someone is banned? If someone is banned from posting, how do they appeal if they are unable to post? What if a mod holds a grudge against a user for a personal reason and bans them without just cause? Are the moderators frequently moderated? I've read the rules and site policy, and was unable to find an answer. Sorry if I'm opening a can of worms with this post, but it's been a nagging concern for a while.

  2. #2
    Senior Member TheHydrant's Avatar
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    I don't think I've ever noticed anyone in pink before. Or at least never thought anything of it.
    I know there is this thread which explains the MODS process of elimination.

    Also...I highly doubt the mods are the sort to hold any kind of grudge against other users. Yes they may disagree with, and even maybe dislike some members now and then but ultimately they understand that in the grand scheme of things we are all on the same team and are very lenient within certain boundaries. In other words they take into account different personality traits and understand that certain traits do not necessarily mean someone is a dick. Good intentions can sometimes come out's the internet afterall. People can read things different ways. They know the difference. The mods would have to explain if there is an appeal process as I honestly have no idea, but given the details of their infraction system it would appear to me like that part is taken care of before the final decision is made to ban anyone.
    Last edited by TheHydrant; 02-15-2016 at 07:00 AM.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Moderator kennymo's Avatar
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    Two ways to get pink here. One, rack up infractions until the system gives you an automated ban. Length of these bans vary, depending on how many current points you've racked up. The first ban is a week or so....
    Second method, you spread so much chaos throughout the forum the mods decide to vote on a permanent ban. These are a last resort, and require a majority vote of moderators.
    So if you've been infracted or banned, more than one moderator has had their say. If the reasons don't always seem completely obvious, it's likely because we've removed some particularly offensive or inflammatory material. We don't like deleting, but some things just can't stay in the public eye... And we generally give plenty of warning before issuing an infraction or ban, both in the threads and through PM's.
    There are two ways to get instant and permanent bans without debate. One, shower the site with spam advertising. Two, get caught holding multiple accounts for either trolling purposes or trying to get around a short term ban....
    Hope that adds a little clarity.
    Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Gunexpert007's Avatar
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    I have only noticed a few bans ; but the bans were more or less expected when you review the persons posts....that being said , I do miss Strangeday's and Edenchef's contributions to the forum....
    " Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You cannot withstand the storm.’ The warrior whispers back, ‘I am the storm. " .... " And I looked , and behold a pale horse ; and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him."...." I will execute great vengeance on them with wrathful rebukes. Then they will know that I am the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon them.” ; Ezekiel 25:17

  6. #6
    Moderator kennymo's Avatar
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    Strangeday is not fact it seems he pops in from time to time, but isn't saying much lately....
    Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.

  7. #7
    Senior Member livewire0129's Avatar
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    Kennymo, thank you for the response. How would one know if they've been infracted?

  8. #8
    Senior Member Gunexpert007's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by livewire0129 View Post
    Kennymo, thank you for the response. How would one know if they've been infracted?
    In most cases , you would get a PM from the mod giving the infraction ,along with the reason why...
    " Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You cannot withstand the storm.’ The warrior whispers back, ‘I am the storm. " .... " And I looked , and behold a pale horse ; and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him."...." I will execute great vengeance on them with wrathful rebukes. Then they will know that I am the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon them.” ; Ezekiel 25:17

  9. The Following User Liked This Post By Gunexpert007

    Rory McCanuck (02-15-2016)

  10. #9
    The Gunsmithing Moderator blacksmithden's Avatar
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    I live among the creatures of the night (Edmonton)
    There are a few procedures in place that prevent any one moderator from singling out a member. When a post pops up in our reporting section, it requires at the very least, two moderators to vote for an infraction. They also have to agree on what the infraction will be. The system then keeps track of the infraction points. Get enough points, and the member will get a time out. The time outs get longer the more it happens. In order for a member to be banned permanently, there has to be a round table vote that involves all moderators. Once there's a majority one way or the other, the member is either banned, or not. Admin has the final say on all matters of course.

    Now.....all that being said, we might, and often don't even issue an fraction. Often we just send out a reminder of the site rules first. A members time on the site is taken into account, previous warnings, the severity of the transgression. If someone gets an infraction or a warning for something, and then just ignores it, that will have the entire mod staff keeping an eye open for them. Get another infraction or warning for the same thing and ignore it, then things tend to go downhill pretty fast.

    We've always maintained that the key to this place remaining civil is all members being respectful to their fellow members and self moderation. We have always asked all members to be a part of keeping the place in order by using the report post button if they think they see something that crosses the line. That will set the review and vote process in motion. We know sometimes discussions become heated and we will sometimes just let things slide. The point one moderator can pick on any one member. If you get an infraction, then you probably earned it. Anyone can appeal a decision to administration, but we're all pretty in tune with how they want the site run. Most decisions have stood after an appeal.

    Anyway...I hope that answers some of your questions.

    Edit.....and Kenny beat me to most of fair !!!! I'm typing on a phone !!!!! Lol !!!!!
    GOC moderator
    Dealer/co-founder/co-owner of Tundra Supply Ltd.
    June 2013 - The High River Gun Grab - NEVER FORGET !!!!
    Feb 26 2014 - Swiss Arms prohibition and ordered confiscation by the RCMP - NEVER FORGET !!!!!
    May 1 2020 - Liberal un-democratic mass prohibition order in council. - NEVER FORGET !!!!!
    October 21 2022 - Liberals ban all handgun sales and transfers in Canada via order in council - NEVER FORGET !!!

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    Candychikita (02-16-2016)

  12. #10
    If you feel a mod has a personal vendetta against you, record it. I had one after me because my dad pissed in his corn flakes.The guy was scared of my pops, So went after me. Hes no longer a mod. And not here.

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