Well mine has been “in progress” for 56 days. It’s an upgrade application ahead of my regular PAL that doesn’t expire until end of next year.

I’ve had some light shed on the process. Provinces like Ontario where you can send in your application while your waiting for stamped test results can overcome the 4 week waiting period at the same time while waiting for test results to be stamped. However. Provinces like AB/SK you get your signed test results(not CFO signed) and send with your application. They hold for the 4 weeks before your test results are reviewed and approved by a CFO. Possibly another 4 weeks and that’s only if your application did not contain any errors and you pass your background check. Then of course IF they decide to contact your references after these steps.

I’m on day 106. Could be a few more weeks. Nothing we can do to rush these guys. Most of the CFO offices are over worked, under staffed and under funded to hire additional staff. Good thing C-71 plans to give all these poor men and women more work load and no funding that I’ve seen to back that up.

Regardless, even if you find yourself in a long wait like myself. Ignore the “45 days to process”. Stay cool, and be patient cause you know it’s worth the wait anyway.

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