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  1. #41
    Junior Member CORBETT's Avatar
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    Tell.... don't tell... as long as your weapons are stored safely with no chance of the wee ones getting into them the problem is solved... you can't change how some feel about guns so don't worry about it......

  2. #42
    Senior Member Deuce-deuce's Avatar
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    Behind a large rock.

    Yeah. I know it's a necro thread...

    Quote Originally Posted by blacksmithden View Post
    For some brain washed reason, you're looking for approval from your neighbors for your hobby. If you bought a fast motorcycle, would you do the same ? If you bought a riding mower, would you seek their approval for that ? I don't need my neighbor's approval for stuff that doesn't effect them. My neighbors should be no more concerned about my guns than they are about my fishing rod. If there is ever a question about it being dangerous, ask them straight a non-apologetic way, what rational reasoning they used to come to believe there was the slightest question of safety. The news ? The news sensationalizes every damned thing to the greatest possible extent, up to and including inventing complete fabrications, and calling them facts, to make their story get one more hit on the internet. Any neighbor who would blindly believe what they read on the internet or see on the news as absolute truth is a moron who isn't worth my intellectual time.
    Dude... I grew up around guns. Always in the house. I also grew up around fishing rods... you could throw a rock of my childhood deck and easily hit the ocean.
    I've been hooked hundreds of times including one pretty darn close to my eye. I've seen dogs, children, old people, birds and anything else you can think of hooked. It happens.
    How many shootings have I seen or how many times have I been shot? Zero.

  3. #43
    Senior Member Joshua13's Avatar
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    Sooo I too have small children and they have friends over. I happen to have one out while I was watching TV and the kids who came over had never seen one before and were quite interested in it. I decided to just put it away instead. And second story: my kids teacher was talking about making their homes better and thing they could get or do so my kid decided to tell his teacher that we needed more guns at home and he could buy me some, and drew it all in a very nice picture. The teacher approached my wife about it. Wanted to make sure everything was OK at home. My wife just said I was a hunter and my old rifle broke so I needed a new one.

    Sent from my E6560T using Tapatalk

  4. #44
    Senior Member TheHydrant's Avatar
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    I told my closest neighbors about my guns just to avoid any unnecessary alarm if they ever saw my with them loading the car or whatever. I got the usual lefty talking points but I think they have long forgotten about it. Never been an issue. Snow blow a few driveways to be a good neighbor and you stop being scary pretty quick.

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  5. #45
    The Gunsmithing Moderator blacksmithden's Avatar
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    I live among the creatures of the night (Edmonton)
    Quote Originally Posted by Joshua13 View Post
    Sooo I too have small children and they have friends over. I happen to have one out while I was watching TV and the kids who came over had never seen one before and were quite interested in it. I decided to just put it away instead. And second story: my kids teacher was talking about making their homes better and thing they could get or do so my kid decided to tell his teacher that we needed more guns at home and he could buy me some, and drew it all in a very nice picture. The teacher approached my wife about it. Wanted to make sure everything was OK at home. My wife just said I was a hunter and my old rifle broke so I needed a new one.

    Sent from my E6560T using Tapatalk
    Snoopy uneducated liberal teachers are the best argument on the planet for home schooling.
    GOC moderator
    Dealer/co-founder/co-owner of Tundra Supply Ltd.
    June 2013 - The High River Gun Grab - NEVER FORGET !!!!
    Feb 26 2014 - Swiss Arms prohibition and ordered confiscation by the RCMP - NEVER FORGET !!!!!
    May 1 2020 - Liberal un-democratic mass prohibition order in council. - NEVER FORGET !!!!!
    October 21 2022 - Liberals ban all handgun sales and transfers in Canada via order in council - NEVER FORGET !!!

  6. #46
    Senior Member glockfan's Avatar
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    why the need to tell a simple neighbor you are into guns....that is YOUR OWN hobby,and unless neighbor is a gun owner , it is just opening the door to an unsuspected fear eater who might get you in troubles after an argument or whatever . on top of that you have young kids at home and your kids plays with kids neighbor occasionnally. i would not take the risk of getting heat later on. after all it is only a neighbor, and you never know with people who aren't close friends or relative....on top of all that, perhaps he's a liberal.
    Quote Originally Posted by Forbes/Hutton View Post
    I was hoping he would show up and do something useful in front of the cameras. Like beat the flames out with his face.
    Quote Originally Posted by Magi View Post
    This intellectual midget needs to rub the contents of a large tube of PREPARATION H® on his ego and then smack himself with the empty tube until he's in a permanent coma. !

  7. #47
    Member Pariegh's Avatar
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    Why? Depends on where you live. We live in the country here and out of courtesy let the neighbours know that we intended to occasionally do some shooting on our property. They were all fine with it although one neighbour that runs a popular tourist food attraction requested we kept it quiet for them Friday and Saturdays evenings in the summer as they have city folks at their event.

    In the city I probably would probably get to know a neighbour before mentioning anything. Gives you an excuse to invite them over for a coffee and learn a thing or two about them.

  8. #48
    Minister of Silly Walks pewpew62's Avatar
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    It is our responsibility as firearms owners to educate our cohabitants regarding firearms safety and storage. When doing so with my son, I told him not to share that there are firearms stored in the house as it can make you a target for a break-in. You know, he tells two friends, they tell two friends...

    I also conceal that I own firearms from my son's friends, as they may have anti parents that could interfere in their friendship. If it ever came to the point that "little bad Johnny isn't allowed to come over to our house anymore because you have guns", I would feel terrible and I'm not sure how I would handle that, so I do understand the reasoning behind being proactive.

  9. #49
    Senior Member Sinbad's Avatar
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    Must be slow this thread is almost 2 years old

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