Quote Originally Posted by 3MTA3 View Post
Authorizations to
Transport Restricted
Firearms and Prohibited
Firearms Regulations


ATT's are covered by a specific regulation, not the Storage display and transport regs.

Hey, like I said-Go try to get an ATT in Ontario with out belonging to a club or taking the so called "ATT" Course. The CFO has made this a requirement of clubs in ON. Is it Possible to get without a club membership and course?- Yes
;-Easy?-Definitely not.

The courses were put in place by the former OHA I believe, so gun-owners are in fact partially responsible if that is indeed the case.
For the average Joe or Joeline this is the way it works, and not too many clubs are going to buck it, or they may risk closer scrutiny.

Very true... but bear in mind that the only way it will get to be easy instead of the CFO's ever tightening BS is by people doing as I and a few others have and fight back.. do not do so is in essence helping the CFOs