Quote Originally Posted by Petamocto View Post
1. Thank you for not failing to live up to my expectation of you that you must try to start a fight in every thread.

2. It is not that the club rep has the authority to give you the ATT, but they are a good source to keep the pressure on the CFO to see where the application is in the process. In my experience, my calls effectively saying "Where is my LT-ATT?" did not get very far, but right after my club rep called, they seemed to be more willing to help out quickly.
#1.. whatever

#2 true in part.. however that does not equal the same as if everyone put in their applications w/o the club.. yes it could cause delays etc.. but think on the pressure it would place on the CFOs.. esp when they drag their asses and local MP's get told etc etc.. you have to look at the big picture.. not just the easy / apathetic route.